eSIM- sometimes known as electronic SIM card, actually stands for embedded SIM. As the name suggests, this means that SIM functionality can now be integrated directly into the device, rather than a separate card needing to be inserted. eSIM, a new addition to the market, is likely to become more commonplace in the next few years. It will probably replace the traditional SIM card in a few years.

One of the major attractions of eSIM is the ease of roaming that it brings, which is ideal for mobile phone users that travel, as well as connected devices that might regularly move between regions with different network providers. e-SIM technology gets around this by allowing users to use multiple eSIM profiles with just one integrated chip. So rather than having to physically swap out a SIM card when you’d like to roam, you can simply use the device’s software to do it. This makes it easier for travelers to rapidly change network providers whenever they need to, in order to take advantage of better rates. For us at Top Connect, it means that consumers can use our services like never before.


Top Connect offers a range of eSIM and international prepaid data plans for 135+ countries

Mobile data for 135+ countries

Global roaming connections around the world.

Up to 85% savings on roaming costs

Save money on data roaming

Fast, Easy, Now

eSIM can be installed on the phones within minutes. No need to await SIM delivery


Top Connect eSIM solution enables also calls&text

No logistics barriers

International logistics can still be a headache with local taxes and duties, special import regulations and long delivery times. With eSIM orders, you don´t have to worry about logistical obstacles.


Improved warehouse management

With physical SIM cards, you have to plan and manage your stock quantities. It´s far easier with eSIM. You don´t have to keep big quantities in stock and the ordering process is much more flexible.

Contact us for details

Top Connect provides access to global mobile data to consumers- to businesses, and to devices- in over 135 countries.

Contact us for further information about eSIM, whether  technical details, pricing or coverage.